E-Commerce Branding

What is branding in the age of e-commerce? Is it a nice colour scheme? Is it a logo? Is it photo filters? Is it smooth UX? Is it nicely designed buttons? What is it?

Well, it’s the same thing that it used to be. It’s just that many e-commerce stores forget what a brand is. Or maybe they just don’t need a brand — because they have distribution, pricing and products that work for them.

Anyways, a good brand is a couple of things, such as:

  • An open hole in the mind, perception wise

  • A narrow focus on a singular idea

  • A name & a category

  • A visual hammer

  • A verbal hammer

  • A PR story that can be shared.

Brooklinen is all of these things. e-commerce branding and creative is almost always boring. When done right, creative stands out and the brand comes to life. It might require some time and a lot of work to get there. It’s not easy to find your voice. It’s all about consistency. And attention to details.